User Management in TimeBee

User Management serves as a control panel for managers to oversee the workforce. This TimeBee feature allows you to invite new users and customize settings like screenshot frequency, timeouts, user roles, per-hour rate, and activate/deactivate users.

How to Access User Management?

To access User Management, click on “Settings” from the sidebar of the web app. Next, select “User Management” from the drop-down menu.

How to Add New Users?

To add a new user, click on the “Add User” button on the top right corner of the “User Management” page.

When the new window opens, enter the email of the member you want to add or invite. Add multiple members by clicking on the “+” sign.

When the team member clicks on the confirmation button after receiving the email invite, they will be automatically added to your organization and will be visible in the user directory.

How to Customize User Management?

You can customize tracking settings for each user under “User Management”. You can edit the following.

  • Screenshots: Set the interval between screenshots. Choosing a 2-minute interval from the drop-down menu for screenshots will capture a screenshot every 2 minutes on that user’s desktop. You can also deactivate the feature by selecting “Never.”
  • Timeout After: This pop-up serves as a distraction alert, appearing on a user's screen if they remain idle for the duration you specified in the 'Timeout After' dropdown. You can also disable the feature by selecting “Never.”
  • User Role: Assign roles to your users by choosing either "Member" or "Admin" from the dropdown menu.
  • Hour Rate: Specify the user's hourly rate by entering the amount into the provided box.
  • Active: Activate or deactivate a user by toggling the button on or off.

You can also hide or display the presets by clicking on the filter icon on the top right (refer to #6 on the screenshot)

To manage presets specifically for Admins or Members, use the filter at the top length corner.

Note: User Management is limited to individual user settings. For bulk settings related to screenshots and timeouts, you need to use "Organization Profile".

Who Can Access and Customize User Management?

Only the owner or the admins can access and customize "User Managment" in TimeBee.

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